For anyone who may be able to attend, Sri Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati will be in Granada, Spain on the 13th and 14th of October. For details, click here.
"The pure truth of the Atman, which is buried under Maya and the effects of Maya, can be reached by meditation, contemplation and other spiritual disciplines such as a knower of Brahman may prescribe--but never by subtle arguments."
"Beauty is the splendor of Truth."
Nathan & Jamie
The teachings at Ganapati-Advaita Ashram are inclusive of all three fundamental yogas taught by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Karma yoga (right action) helps, little by little, to remove the dirt from our minds and hearts, bhakti yoga (devotion) helps us to eliminate distraction and face sorrows and difficulties in life and jnana yoga (knowledge) helps to dissipate non-perception, which is to say non-perception of what is.
"Teaching does not go beyond the limit of pointing out the way and the journey; but the vision is totally the personal task of those who have resolved to comtemplate."
"Realization takes time to steady itself. The Self is certainly within the direct experience of everyone but not in the way people imagine. One can only say that it is as it is. Just as incantations or other devices can prevent fire from burning a man when otherwise it would do so, so vasanas (inherent tendencies impelling one to desire one thing and shun another) can veil the Self when otherwise it would be apparent. Realization takes time to steady itself. Spasmodic Realization is not enough to prevent re-birth, but it can not become permanent as long as there are vasanas."
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